We are so excited to be a Princess Partner with the Pageant of Hope. The Pageant of Hope is a Pageant for girls with special needs. They offer physically and developmentally challenged little girls the unique opportunity to participate in inspiring workshops that help build self-esteem, confidence and the empowerment to dream big and realize that anything is possible. This organization encourages young ladies to not let their disability hinder their goals in life.
Princess Party Pals is thrilled to be sponsoring 9 year old Brookie, to partake in this magical and life changing pageant. Brookie was born with a rare chromosome disorder, in fact she is the only one on the world with her exact deletions and translocations. She’s had over 15 surgeries, with multiple hospitalizations, tests, pokes and the list goes on. She is wheelchair bound but is probably the happiest child we have ever met. She attacks life with gusto and always has the biggest smile on her face. She embraces the true meaning of what it is to be a Princess.
Without a doubt this sponsorship is going to be a rewarding experience as we watch her learn the core tools that the Pageant of Hope offers young girls to being successful in life.
We are so thrilled to have a found a cause that mirrors Princess Party Pals’ mission of making a difference in the lives of children and parents while creating magical memories that will last a lifetime.